We are a Group of People serving People in the ICT, Entertainment and Agribusiness sectors.

Algar Group

People today, people always

Algar, name formed by the initials of our founder (Alexandrino Garcia), is a business group operating in the Telecom/IT, Entertainment and Agro sectors throughout the Brazilian territory, Argentina, Colombia and Mexico. Around 20,000 associates - as employees are called - go above and beyond to win the trust of its 3.3 million customers through their commitment to serving with agility and developing innovative solutions that make our communities prosper. This is why Algar's motto is 'People serving People'. We operate since 1930 and we aim to be perennial. The Group 's portfolio comprises Algar Telecom, Algar Tech, Algar Farming and Aviva, which includes Rio Quente Resorts and Costa do Sauípe.

Proofing data of our commitment

DADOS 2022


net revenue





Our values

We are guided by a perennial, reliable, agile and innovative culture.

We deliver on our promises, make it easy to serve quickly, innovate with a costumer centered mindset and consider their interests above all else.






Our commitments

Our biggest comparative advantage is our people, diverse in their origins and experiences. This inspires innovation and countless possibilities for each customer that accompanies us. The same people inspiring us to develop talent and commit to communities and the planet.

Our commitments

Our biggest comparative advantage is our people, diverse in their origins and experiences. This inspires innovation and countless possibilities for each customer that accompanies us. The same people inspiring us to develop talent and commit to communities and the planet.


We work to have things working for people around us, because that's also how it works for us. That's why we solve, help, innovate, undertake, advance, create and touch people, not just businesses.

If you think this makes sense to you too, come walk on this journey with us. Come be #GenteAlgar.


Want to learn from our leaders about business, culture, diversity, trends, market and more?